“With Harps and with Viols” by Arthur Pierson


With harps and with viols
There stand a terrific throng
Within the presence of Jesus
And sing this new tune:

Unto Him who hath cherished us
And washed us from sin,
Unto Him be the glory endlessly, amen.

All these as soon as had been sinners,
Defiled in His sight;
Now arrayed in pure clothes,
In reward they unite.

He maketh the insurgent
A priest and a king;
He hath purchased us and taught us
This new tune to sing.

How helpless and hopeless
We sinners had been
If He by no means had cherished us
Until cleansed from our sin.

Aloud in His praises
Our voices shall ring
In order that others, believing,
This new tune shall sing.

Take heed to the message “Preaching the Gospel from Revelation” by Alistair Begg

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